onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective

GrandArmyCollective was conceived by former gallery owners Janine Foeller (New York) and Micky Schubert (Berlin) as a way to address the evolving needs and challenges of contemporary art galleries and other creative initiatives.

New York, USA


onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective
onestar press @ GrandArmyCollective

As a flexible environment, galleries and creative initiatives were given the opportunity to occcupy an exhibition space for a short period of time or have a more permanent presence.

onestar and Three Star Paris were invited to inaugurate their ephemeral Brooklyn-based project space from September to December 2017 with solo presentations by Daniel Gordon, Sean Micka and a selected viewing of works by Lisa Anne Auerbach, John Baldessari, Matthew Brannon, Maurizio Cattelan, Liam Gillick, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Jonathan Monk, Matt Mullican, Seth Price, Haim Steinbach, Mika Tajima, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Lawrence Weine and Terri Weifenbach.